Meeting Bravo's Jeff Lewis

Lifestylist Suzanne Felber with Bravo reality star Jeff Lewis
When this Lifestylist heard that reality star Jeff Lewis - the outspoken talented designer on Bravo's hit television shows Flipping Out and and Interior Therapy with Jeff Lewis I was in Buffalo NY working but immediately got on the next plane and headed to Allen, TX. Jeff Lewis in Collin County? It's true. He was the featured star at the Collin County Home & Garden Show, a fact that wasn't very well published but this Dallas Dweller is in the know!

We are now writing for Candy' and you can read about our experience there, but trust us - any chance you have to hear this man share his experiences with design, reality TV and of course The Real Housewives do what you have to do to be there. For the best gossip about the upcoming Real Housewives of Dallas, be sure to subscribe to the Candy' page.

If you are as much of a fan as I am of team Jeff Lewis you are aware of the "Channagate" scandal where he was fired from a styling gig with Living Spaces - a company that I am so happy to say is not in Dallas because I'd be boycotting them. Jeff understands how important his fans are and they are as loyal as you will find anywhere - the fact that #Channagate #firedforwhat and #JusticeforJeff are a great example.

Lifestylist Suzanne Felber with Jeff Edward - reality star of Bravo
's hit He did a brilliant job of using this to promote his brand and it was really interested (and really great business advice) to talk to Gage Edward about handling something like this which many of us who own our own businesses have had to do.

OK Bravo, it's time for a new Flipping out season! Many, many thanks to Lisa Stewart Photography for the great photos!

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